From the course: Video Data Management on Set and in the Field

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When to archive originals

When to archive originals

- At some point, your organization will invoke an archive and this could be done for several reasons. In my case, we only have so much direct attach storage. As we chew through producing courses and doing client work, eventually we'd run out of space and rather than constantly buying additional hard drives, I'm going to invoke a long-term archive. Now, a couple things to think about. Are you going to archive everything? It may or may not be possible to do this. We give our clients a choice. We allow them to choose if they want to pay for an archive and if they want to pay for two archives so they can get a copy. Now, that might sound sacrilegious to some of you. How dare you not save every bit of footage? But in my case, it's just not practical. When we moved out of our previous office years ago, the amount of tapes that we moved was enormous and the number of hard drives was through the roof. I would need an entire floor of a building if I saved every piece of data we've shot over…
