From the course: Digital Media Foundations

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What difference does shooting stereoscopic 3D make?

What difference does shooting stereoscopic 3D make?

From the course: Digital Media Foundations

What difference does shooting stereoscopic 3D make?

- [Instructor] When shooting for stereoscopic 3D, you're actually recording two images at once. All of the same rules apply to these images, except that it's now extremely important to carefully calibrate the two recordings. Often, this calibration needs to be perfected in post-production. Aside from setting the so-called interaxial distance, and this was once called the interocular distance, that is the distance between the two lenses, there's not much to do on-set other than making sure the images match focus, exposure, lens length, and white balance as much as possible. They need to be really carefully calibrated to match. The reason this is so important relates to the way brains perceive visual information. Your brain picks one eye to be the hero eye, if you'd like. That's the eye that's providing the most important information. And the other eyes fills in the blanks, confirms or contradicts what is apparently being seen. The choice of hero eye can change from one moment to the…
