From the course: Video Data Management on Set and in the Field

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Using one offsite method

Using one offsite method

- [Instructor] So we're up to three copies of data on two types of physical media. One of them is supposed to be off site. Well, in the field, that's a little bit difficult. You're already off site, but let's twist it a little bit. Instead of sending all of the copies back at the exact same time, consider leaving one behind, or one with another crew member. What I'll frequently do when traveling for shooting, is I'll leave a copy behind with a trusted professional. I'll say, we're flying back with the data, please hold onto this and I'll have you ship it to us a little bit later. This means that after we get back to the office, we can invoke our own backup again, and that one in the field is still there in case something went wrong. Maybe you're bags went through airport security and the hard drive got bounced or demagnetized. Maybe it got lost in your baggage. Well, it's really important that you think this through. Speaking of baggage, don't put both drives you carry with you in the…
