From the course: DIY Filmmaking Tips Weekly

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Tips for directing nonactors

Tips for directing nonactors

- Okay, can I get you anything else? I just want to make sure that you are comfortable. (upbeat music) As an Diy filmmaker, you might find yourself working with non-actors from time to time. These can be friends or family you roped into helping you make your film for free. Locals you want to use for authenticity, or perhaps people who answered a help wanted ad you ran for your film. Whatever the reason, just because they're non-actors doesn't mean you can't get a good performance out of them. You just have to approach them with completely different tactics than you would a professional actor. So let's talk about a few tips and tricks you can use with non-actors to get believable performances. First up and most importantly, make them comfortable. As a director, you want to build a relationship as soon as you can, by meeting them in person or via a video call before the shoot. By establishing a relationship early…
