From the course: Hypersyndication: Maximizing Your Web Video and Podcast Audience

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Submitting a podcast to iTunes

Submitting a podcast to iTunes

- Apple iTunes has emerged as one of the dominant media platforms. From movies to music videos to for-sale content, as well as free content, like podcasts and radio streams, it has become the dominant media player for both Mac and Windows. This is largely due to the popularity of the iOS operating system. But, Apple has ensured that this is cross platform technology. Let's talk about how do you get your podcasts into iTunes. The first step, is to launch the iTunes application. Once that's done, you're going to choose the iTunes store. Then, in the right hand column, navigate to the podcast section. Choose the option to submit a podcast. For best results, make sure you take a look at FeedBurner so your feed is optimized. This will ensure that any minor bugs are corrected, and give you the flexibility in the future if you change podcast hosts. iTunes doesn't let you re-submit a podcast feed for a show that's already live. Rather, you have to kill it and start over. This means that you…
