From the course: Running a Professional Webinar

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Outlining the webinar

Outlining the webinar

- One of the first things you need to do before giving a webinar is get organized. So I'd like to share with you some practical advice on organizing your webinar content. This is how I approach a webinar, and it's served me well through the years. First up, consider starting with a mindmapping software application. This type of tool makes it easy to outline the content for a presentation. You can add different points along the way and continue to break that apart. From there, create a detailed outline that specifies what you're going to cover. Make sure you assign time estimates to each section so you have an idea of how deep you're going to go and what the potential run time is for your webinar. I would strongly suggest that you identify the key messages you're going to have and the reinforcing points or examples that you intend to use. However, I don't recommend scripting the entire event, as it can sound really canned. For example, when I'm putting together a course here that…
