From the course: Vlogging for Business

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Lighting for vlogs

Lighting for vlogs

- Okay, so let's go ahead and talk about one of my absolute favorite subjects which is lighting. In fact I have two courses in the LinkedIn Learning Library specifically on that topic, Cinematic Video Lighting and Advanced Cinematic Video Lighting. And there are other basic courses that are in the library that you can check out, but I want to talk to you a little bit about lighting in relationship to vlogging. When we went up to Make Smith and we talked to Steven and we took a look at the shop, we noticed that there was beautiful natural light. And for me, using natural light makes a lot of sense when you're vlogging because it's always there. What we did is we looked at different spaces where he could shoot his vlog, he decided on one particular space for his first episode, and what we did is we just took a piece of fabric which you could source from any kind of craft store and we clamped that to the outside of the shop. So just outside of the window, and what that did is it diffused…
