From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Light control

Light control

can make a huge appearance difference specifically if you're working in 3D. You can use them, of course, to light object, but you can also cast shadows and direct the viewer's attention to the subject of your movie. Let me share with you a few cool tricks that you can use when working with lights inside After Effects. where we have this After Effects workflow icons, and those workflow icons also have a text underneath and this text actually tells us exactly what they are doing. We are starting by input then compositing, then we are dealing with properties, effects, preview, and finally, we are exporting our work. This is a line of text that I've extruded and note that I'm using the Cinema 4D Engine in order to create extrusion, but it is quite difficult to see what's going on, so in order to help us, I'm going to go to the Layer menu and under New, I'm going to create a new light. I'm going to start with a point light, the intensity is set to 100%, but I do want to also cast shadows…
