From the course: DIY Filmmaking Tips Weekly

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How to shoot a film remotely: Pre production

How to shoot a film remotely: Pre production

From the course: DIY Filmmaking Tips Weekly

How to shoot a film remotely: Pre production

(drinks) (phone rings) (moans) (laughs) (phone rings) - Oh, (snickers) is it Friday already? (snickers) Give me one seconds. (upbeat music) Listen, I know times are tough. We can't go outside or be within six feet of another person so it's hard to make films right now, but that doesn't mean you can't. So here are some tips on how you can shoot a film remotely starting with pre-production. First step, when casting your remote film you're probably going to want to be savvy and pick talent that already has access to a camera and microphone. And it's even better if they already have a lot of experience using them, since they are essentially going to have to shoot themselves. Next, perform multiple virtual table reads using video chats, so your talent can get to know each other and rehearse the script. This is also a great opportunity to work out wardrobe, props, and technical issues ahead of time. After…
