From the course: Social Media Video Strategy: Weekly Bites

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How long should your video be?

How long should your video be?

- Videos used in social media should usually be as long as necessary, but as short as possible. There's a lot of stimulation, distraction, and noise on the internet. And your audience's attention span is short. We know that different types of videos fall within different parts of the marketing strategy, and that in the early part of the campaign are your short, well-produced, attention grabbing videos. Later in the campaign, videos can be a little longer, more detailed, and less well-produced, since they are mostly used to keep existing customers satisfied. So that's only one part of the video length story. Beyond that, let's talk about some general video lengths trends. Here's a chart from Wistia, a video marketing platform, and this shows you that videos under two minutes receive maximum engagement, around 70%. Then, between two and three minutes, there is a big drop off. So this is truly where every second counts. After that, engagement flattens out to around 40% to 50% for quite…
