From the course: 3D Tracking and Nuke Compositing

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Exporting from SynthEyes

Exporting from SynthEyes

- Once we have all our cameras solved, we're ready to export out to our animation and compositing packages. In these shots, since we were working with real world objects, we needed to undistort the plates to get the proper dimensions. So we're gonna need to work an undistorted workflow in our compositing and 3D, and then redistort everything at the end to match the original plate. So do to that, let's head over to the Summary panel and let's click on the Lens Workflow. I'm gonna click on Defaults. And what we want is option number two, redistorted. So we click on that, it's gonna undistort the plate. The only other thing we're gonna change here is we're gonna change the margin to zero. 'Cause we don't need any extra pixels. And press OK. So now our plate's undistorted and we're ready to export out to Nuke and Maya. Now if you don't undistort the plate before you send out the scripts, the frame size is gonna be incorrect. So let's export out our Nuke script. Let's go up to File, go to…
