From the course: Hypersyndication: Maximizing Your Web Video and Podcast Audience

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Creating a podcast

Creating a podcast

- I'd like to give you a high-level overview and some of the simplest paths to creating a podcast. Remember, we have a comprehensive course available here in the online library that you can watch if you'd like to go much deeper. First up, the easiest way to create a podcast is to use some of the WYSIWYG websites. What You See Is What You Get. There are several stand-alone websites out there, but most of them are going to use browser-based technology. You'll use a simple web interface to upload files, add relevant metadata, and manage your shows. Not much different than the SoundCloud tool I showed you earlier, although SoundCloud does not support true podcasting. Some of the host that I've used include PodHoster, HipCast, and Libsyn, but I'll give you a few more in just a moment. Ideally, you're going to follow the iTunes spec. While podcasting is not an Apple technology, they are the dominate player here. Making sure you follow the iTunes spec will help you ensure compatibility with…
