From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Compositing smoke and water

Compositing smoke and water - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Compositing smoke and water

- [Instructor] Hey everyone, and welcome to another After Effects Weekly tip. This time I want to show you how you can quickly key out natural elements, such as water and smoke, using three simple techniques. But first I want to show you what not to do and why blending mode, in this case, are not going to work. So to illustrate it, I'm going to select the clip over here and duplicate another copy by pressing Command + D, Control + D on the PC side. Then I'm going to place it above my title. Now I'm going to choose one of the brightening blending modes, such as screen. And although this works great when it comes to isolating the water drops, we are blowing out the colors and brightening the entire shot. So in this case, blending modes are not your friend. Instead, I'm going to bring it back to use the Normal mode. And then I'm going to select the Title layer and I'm going to use the Track Matte option which will allow me to use the Luma values, in this case the Inverted Matte, in order…
