From the course: Preparing to Interview for a Creative Role

Backup your digital

From the course: Preparing to Interview for a Creative Role

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Backup your digital

- We live in a digital world. Except of course, when it fails. This is why I always say be prepared for offline access. Don't just rely upon an Internet connection or an electronic device to be able to show off your work. Always have materials ready so you can properly display your body of work. This might mean a printed portfolio if you're a designer or a photographer. Or having physical copies of a demo reel loaded up on a USB media stick that can be easily plugged into someone else's computer. Have backup materials, physical copies that you can hand out that people can look at later. If you are relying upon an electronic device, make sure the battery is fully charged. And if possible, include a spare battery so you can easily recharge if it's a long day and you're meeting a lot of people. But I always suggest offline access. Print outs, materials that you can hand out, lay out on a table, a printed portfolio, samples of work, your resume and cover letter. You need to be prepared that when you arrive at a job interview location, you may not be able to access the Internet. So if you're relying upon an electronic device and an active Internet connection to show off your work, don't. You may not have access to their network, or you may not even have power. Make sure you have a physical plan that you can show off your work without being dependent upon electronic devices.
