From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Alternative options, part 1

Alternative options, part 1 - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Alternative options, part 1

- [Instructor] The Alt key on the PC or the Option key on the Mac are essentially the same button and they also share a similar meaning. They both offer an alternative or another option for some of the commands in the application. There are plenty of usage for the Alt key in combination with the mouse and sometimes other modifiers. And in this movie, I'll show you the first part of your alternative options inside After Effects. So I'm going to call it here the Alt key, but obviously this is the Option on the Mac, and I am working on the Mac. So if I'm going to hold Alt key and I'm going to go to the After Effects menu and choose About After Effects, this would be by the way the Help menu if you're working on the Windows side. So hold down Alt and choose About After Effects then let go. Now assuming no project was open as it was in my case, you will see the After Effects special credits movie. Now this of course will change depending on the version that you are working with and I'm…
