From the course: Corporate Video

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Adjusting settings to stream with the Mevo camera

Adjusting settings to stream with the Mevo camera

From the course: Corporate Video

Adjusting settings to stream with the Mevo camera

- Like everything else in the world these days, there is an app for Mevo. And I've gone ahead already and downloaded that off the Apple App Store, and here we are. And when I open up the app, it's actually seeing that I've configured a Mevo before ... Connect to the one that I've done. - And if your camera doesn't show up, all you have to do is press and hold the top button, and it will go into sort of a Bluetooth pairing mode there, and it will start blinking, and then your device will likely show up, and it's pretty simple. - [Robbie] So after downloading the app and turning on the Mevo itself, it will actually broadcast to Wifi network, and you want to connect your tablet to that Wifi network. Once you do that, you're welcomed with a screen that says, "Hey, here's the Mevo." - [Richard] And I've already renamed my Mevo. You can do that under the settings so you know which one's which. Otherwise it's got a generic name. - [Robbie] Yeah, and you can see that you're connected to the…
