From the course: Creative Inspirations: Rick Morris, Motion Graphics Designer

Home Studio Tour

(Music playing.) Ah! I was expecting UPS. Come on in as long as you are here, make yourself at home. This is where I dwell, this is where I think, this is where I do, this is where I live. I'll take you around my collection of curios. I am just in the middle of a project. This is where I work when I am here at the house and the fact that technology is just getting more and more condensed is an ideal situation for me and most folks. Now, let's go for a trip around the rest of the crib. This is like the graphic designer's version of MTV Cribs. Yo. This is what I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by. The reason being that both me and my wife Lisa have been kind of mad collectors, her even more so than me. This is a permanent piece and this is a piece that I'll never want to get rid of and I am happy for the day that we found it. Moving along, you can see sculptural curios everywhere. And what I really like is the fact that we are just constantly dealing with different surfaces. Forged steel here, welded, ceramics here, like all sorts of glazes and patinas on them. Oil paint, different applications, things that, just subliminally are-- start to just kind seep in. We bought this off an architect. A guy -- we were the second people to occupy this space. He built it for him and his family. So it's kind of got that spirit in it already. There is this presence that's has been occupied by this creative person, who was like deeply involved with this whole thing. The place went up in 1966 and he is not a guy of any major renown. So I can't brag about this being an Neutra or anything like that. But he had the right ideas. Here, it's just like more of what the world has got to offer and what we see in the world. And when I say we, I am obviously referring to me and wife Lisa. Again, she is a big part in my inspirational flow. I don't know. She just figures in profusely and consistently. And these are lamps we found at a flea market in the north of France, Clignancourt, when we were over in Paris. I don't know. To sum it all up, I'd just say, I am here, I am comfortable here, I have built this around me. This is kind of what I want to be surrounded with. The reason I am at peace with this and I find a source here is that every fundamental discipline of design and thinking is sort of represented one way or another, and I just let it seep in. It's like a flower being in a garden and I am just sort of -- luckily, I am not planted it in one spot. I get the ability to move around. But when I do I have always got a great spot to find myself in. So there you have it. We have pretty much done the 360 of my little crib here, and we are over here back at my gear, my work station, which I am probably going to have to get busy with in a second, so I'll see you in a bit.
