From the course: Embracing Change: Chris Do and the Work of Blind

Embracing Change: Chris Do and the Work of Blind - Preview

From the course: Embracing Change: Chris Do and the Work of Blind

Embracing Change: Chris Do and the Work of Blind - Preview

(electronic music) - When we first formed Blind, animating, directing little characters really excited me. And that was it. I already knew at that point this is what I needed to do. And then this thing called the Internet happens and it starts to transform every single thing. So we knew if we didn't change and pivot we would soon be out of business as many companies have. I look at myself and say I can help clients, not just working with a finished script, but to conceptualize that. In order to do that I gotta stop being a graphics person, 'cause design is much bigger than graphics. To me, to be a designer in 2015, it's the most exciting time to be alive. Sure, there are a lot of changes that we're going though right now, but I think that's a whole nother opportunity and a whole new world to explore if you're willing to go down that path, and I, for one, am.
