From the course: Creative Inspirations: Rick Morris, Motion Graphics Designer

Artist Profile

(Music playing.) I am just this collection of thoughts and things that I try to just kind of-- acquire for the right reasons and channel through for the right reasons and hopefully that will give me a certain amount of my legitimacy, my credibility and my individuality, which will set me apart from every other thing that's happening on the scene right now. I think the motion stuff was just-- by anyone else's admission-- was just kind of a natural progression of things. I mean motion's always been implied in print with these sort of blur effects or these sort of tweening kind of things. I mean when motion just like blew up on the scene, it was so liberating. It was just a chance for people who already had those thoughts in their head, who already had those elements designed, to actually put things in a timeline with keyframes to just sort of move from place-to-place and place and create a sort of linear path and a narrative. So it only made sense for me to go down that path. But at the same time, I have noticed that there is like a perpetual style treadmill, the old dog chasing its tail kind of thing. We have so many people right now and I am finding that at even like the younger, more entry stages of the business that are just kind of educated strictly by other people's websites, and strictly by what's kind of hot and what's going to get them work, and then it's almost like the cycle keeps repeating itself, again and again and again. I try to stay outside of that. I think like my one source that I go back to, the center of it all, is I think you need to have passion and I need you need to have at least one true love, whether it's in your relationship or the things you pursue or how you feel about life and the people that you are involved with. It really has to-- of course it has to come from inside, but what's the biggest part of your inside? I think it's your heart. It connects with your brain. It connects with your hands and everything else just kind of plays concert with who you are and what you do. I try for each experience to just sort of take me to a new level of something, just self-awareness, and I am not going to deny that I'm my own worst critic. I mean, thank god I don't have somebody else out there who is like saying the things to me that I say to myself, because I'd be having some of the worst days of my life. There is not a whole lot of separation between any kind of personal life and professional life. I think they kind of become one and the same. The process is as the process always has been. I continue seeing and hearing and watching and listening and learning and reading and you know, everything just adds up to the next thing, any next discovery that I hope to make and I want to stay in there with the better people because that's what keeps pushing me to just be the best version of me I can possibly be.
