From the course: Cinematic Composition for Video Productions

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The rule of thirds

The rule of thirds

- The Rule of Thirds is quite possibly the most common and well-known visual rule of composition. It has been used for hundreds of years, and has been applied to photography and painting. Let's start by drawing two horizontal lines and two vertical lines across our frame. We have now divided the frame into nine equal size rectangles. Many cameras have a built-in grid view option that allows the operator to have a visual representation of these guidelines. These lines can help remind you of this principle as you get used to composing in this manner. Let's take a look at this grid. The Rule of Thirds is based on the principle that the center of an image is not actually the most important point for registering with the human eye. Instead of dead center, we analyze a frame by starting from one of these four points. Let's take a look at an image and superimpose these guiding lines. Notice how the points of interest align with the guidelines and intersections. The horizon falls on the lower…
