From the course: Camera Movement for Video Productions

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In this lesson, we will be discussing another camera move that is done with an adjustment of the lens rather than the camera. Racking focus. Adjusting the focal length, is one of the easiest ways to direct a viewer's attention, and force the viewer to take in the depth of a scene, in a certain order. This can be used to track subjects as they approach the camera. Or reveal new levels of depth in a scene. The order that you force the viewer to take in a scene, can greatly affect the message. Let's take a look at an example on how we can guide the viewer's eye, through the depth of the scene. We start with the girl, perfectly sharp. The cameras focal point shifts from the girls face to his face. The girl is now completely out of focus. The focal point of the frame is a mirror of the mans priorities. The girl he is with, fades in relevance as he is distracted by his cellphone, when he's text messaging. If we had opted to use a greater depth of field, everything would be sharp, and we…
