From the course: The Creative Spark: Michael Langan, Experimental Filmmaker

The Creative Spark: Michael Langan, Experimental Filmmaker - Preview

From the course: The Creative Spark: Michael Langan, Experimental Filmmaker

The Creative Spark: Michael Langan, Experimental Filmmaker - Preview

Male 1: Everything in your life influences the stuff that you're making, as an artist. There are obvious similarities between the all the films that I worked on, but I'm not interested in sticking to one thing, and the ideas kind of naturally lead in new directions. There's that expression that there's nothing new under the sun. And that pretty much applies to everything, especially when you're working with a technique that is evolving over time. So we start out with just one of these women. She steps out of herself, and pretty soon we've got more and more and more, and by the end of it we've got about a hundred layers of Terra stacked up on top of herself. I'm really excited about this new direction. Your brain just feels so good when it's churning out these ideas and making these connections. The whole thing is there in your head. And it's just a matter of getting it out there so that other people can see it, too.
