From the course: Corporate and Documentary Video Lighting

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Planning a corporate on-site interview

Planning a corporate on-site interview

- In a perfect world, we would work on a pitch black set with full control of the lighting and sound. That's how movie sets work. But it's not exactly what happens when we work on corporate or documentary projects, especially on location. Quickly assessing the location's brightest light source and the quality of that light will determine our lighting strategy. Here we have a very common assignment that many of us have experienced or will experience. A fast paced, high pressure, one-man gig with a two camera set-up where every detail matters. For a number of reasons, on many corporate shoots, we can't scout the locations before the shoot. And even if we do, sometimes the conference room we saw changes at the very last minute. Am I alone on this? I don't think so. We have to work fast with the least amount of gear as we're carrying and setting up everything ourselves. We have two priorities: To be completely ready when our client shows up and to make them look great.
