From the course: Foundations of Video: The Art of Editing

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Finding the place for music

Finding the place for music

Norman: Okay, now let's figure out how to use music to get an audience involved with our story. For our purposes we are going to track a scene. Which means that we are going to use a piece of preexisting music to score the scene. But the same ideas will be used if a composer is writing a piece of music for the scene too. We're going to look at a scene from a short film called Castles, which was directed by Tyler Wilson. It's a story about Joseph, an architect who works in the family architecture firm. He has had a string of failures, and is completely blocked creatively. When he is forced by his father to deliver a proposal by 6PM, he cannot do it. Until his father sends him a message to go back to where it started. By returning to the beach where his dreams got their start. He is both reunited with his talent and his father. So what does this log line tell us? First, this is Joseph's film. He is the one with the struggles. He is the one that we empathize with. He is the one that…
