From the course: Creative DSLR Video Techniques

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The final edited project

The final edited project

I think I might be done here. It's edited, it's been colored, and I have put on the original score that I got from Indigo, and it sounds great, and it all fits together. And I'm going to show it to you here in just a minute, but before I do, I want to wrap up by saying a couple of things here. You saw me go through this entire process and you saw me do it in a, in a pretty freeform way. I felt my way through a lot of it. I planned some things. I knew there were some things that I thought I wanted to go for, but I didn't really know what the story was going to be. I didn't know what the beginning, the middle and end was, and I liked it that way. For a project like this, I like working that way. I like being able to go in with an open mind and let the story tell itself. And, and figure out how to kind of hew the story out of a big mass of raw material. I don't always work that way. Sometimes it's better to really plan things out ahead of time. Do a lot of research and know exactly the…
