From the course: Compositing an Alien Portal in NUKE

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Final mantis color and glow effects

Final mantis color and glow effects - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: Compositing an Alien Portal in NUKE

Final mantis color and glow effects

- There's two things that we need to color about the mantis. One, of course, is to give him an overall blueish cast, making him fit in better in the lighting environment. And the other is, you see these red glowing things on his face and he's got them on his hands and his hip? We'll see more later. But, the point is that we're going to make those red spots glow. Give him more impact. So, let's start with the basic color correction. Won't take but a moment. Come down here to the mantis comp and let's push in. All we need to do is add a grade node right here. I'm going to click here, type "G," and hook in a grade node. Let's relabel this while we're talking as blue mantis. To give him his blue color, all we need to do is come down here to the grade node. Let's unfold that. And, let's give the blue gamma a value of 1.3. Boom, he turns blue. You can see as I toggle it on and off. Might be easier to see if I hooked up directly to the grade node and toggled it on and off for you. Oh, there…
