From the course: Compositing an Alien Portal in NUKE

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Adding gravity waves

Adding gravity waves

- Now that we have the portal rays all set up, we can now do the gravity waves effect because we're using the portal waves to motivate the IDistort node. Now if we look at our portal animation here, portal rays, we look at the red channel compared to the green, compared to the blue. So the blue channel is much brighter than anybody else. So I want to use the blue channel to form the forward UV channel for the IDistort node. So to do that, we'll start by adding a shuffle node to the scan line render. Select that. Come over here. Shift shuffle. Branch it off. There we go. Let's push in here where all the action is. So we'll set the shuffle node to output. Let me scroll this up a little bit here so we can see that. Output to the forward UV layer. And then we're going to shuffle our blue channel here. So blue will go into both U and V. Now we need to copy our forward UV layer from the shuffle node data stream here into the main data stream over here. To do that, we use a copy node. Select…
