From the course: UX Design: 5 Creating Scenarios and Storyboards

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Where these techniques fit in the UCD process

Where these techniques fit in the UCD process

From the course: UX Design: 5 Creating Scenarios and Storyboards

Where these techniques fit in the UCD process

- [Narrator] Scenario and storyboard creation is most useful right after the ideation phase. To briefly recap, first you observe users, and then you create an experience map to extract pain points, goals, and personas. This gives you the information you need to conduct ideation exercises, such as design charrettes. Design charrettes give you a set of potential design concepts to work from. But to insure that the design charrette ideas will work in reality, you'll first create written scenarios, and then draw these out using storyboard techniques. Creating scenarios and storyboards gives us a head start on building a prototype that truly meets users' needs. Of course, the scenarios are written from the perspective of the personas you've created, so that you describe the task and your design solution in a way that would satisfy your personas' needs. The information contained in the storyboards maps almost directly to the elements that you'll need to create in order to build a suitable…
