From the course: UX Design: 6 Paper Prototyping

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Tips for user testing prototype interfaces

Tips for user testing prototype interfaces

From the course: UX Design: 6 Paper Prototyping

Tips for user testing prototype interfaces

- [Instructor] Over the years that I've been running paper prototype tests, I've picked up some useful tips that help to make the session more successful. My first tip is to relax. It's okay not to have the whole interface ready. You're very early in the process, and your main goal is to find out whether the large ideas behind the interface design work or not. If someone clicks on an area you don't have paper interfaces for, it's a great opportunity to ask them what they expected to see. You may even be able to quickly mock something up using your existing interface elements that you created for the prototype. This is a learning environment, so make the most of it. I find that it's best to only have one person interacting with the participant, so I normally make it a rule that the person playing the role of the computer shouldn't talk unless they have a procedural question for the moderator. It's a hard role to play, but it's important not to confuse or distract the participant. It…
