From the course: UX Design: 5 Creating Scenarios and Storyboards

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Prerequisites for scenario creation

Prerequisites for scenario creation

- [Instructor] Before you can create scenarios, you need to know who you're building for, what those people's issues are, and what potential solutions you could employ. Luckily, you should have all this information readily available. If you've been following the user-centered design process we've described in previous courses in this series, you'll already have created personas that describe the specific user types that you're building the product for. You'll have extracted pain points from your experience map that correspond to users' biggest issues, and you'll have output from an ideation exercise, such as a design charrette, that describe the type of solutions you want to create. Although it's possible to create scenarios and storyboards without these previous steps, it will be harder for you to write believable stories, or to justify your interaction design decisions. The scenario process will also take longer because you won't have as many pieces of inspiration that your…
