From the course: User Experience Insights with Chris Nodder

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Managing the creative process

Managing the creative process

- Stakeholders can get quite emotional during the design process, there's a really simple way of dealing with that, or actually with emotion from anybody, not to say that emotion's bad, but, one thing we're really trying to do when we're working through any kind of design process is to speak from data not from opinion, and as long as everybody on the team is aware of that, then as soon as one person starts trying to get their pet features involved, it's very easy for everybody else on the team to just ask "Well, where's the data to support that?" If it's there, that's great, and we'll start incorporating that into the rest of the design process. If there is no data to support it, it's pretty easy for that individual to realize that maybe their pet thing isn't necessarily the same thing as what their users need. So, yeah, always speaking form data rather than opinion.
