From the course: UX Design: 3 Creating Personas

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Know your user

Know your user

- [Instructor] How can you possibly do user-centered design without knowing who your user is? A persona description gives your team a common understanding of who they're building for, what that individual's goals are, and what types of interaction they'll be happy to work with. Just saying, "the user," is so vague that different team members can easily go in different design directions. That lack of focus really shows in the products you ship. Instead, creating personas lets you share the basic information about who the product is for. This information is the foundation of a focused, clear, interface that really meets users' expectations. As we've mentioned before, this course is one in a series on user-centered design. Subsequent courses in the series will all make the assumption that you've created personas and will personas as a tool during the development process. This course has shown you the steps necessary to create assumption personas. Some options for collecting additional…
