From the course: User Experience Insights with Chris Nodder

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Justifying UX to your team

Justifying UX to your team

- There's a lot of teams that still aren't doing UX, and so, doing UX means so many things as well. They may not be doing user research, they may not be engaging in a proper experience design kind of activity. There's so many things that you can start with with that team that can help them understand the benefits. It's unlikely they're gonna listen to any metrics from outside the organization. You can tell them how amazingly it's helped other companies, but typically, people won't believe it unless it's from within their own organization. The only way to do that is to sneak some user experience work in somewhere. Maybe run a usability test in your own time. Maybe start using some of the techniques that'll help you do some ideation or mapping out how the product should be used. Anything that's got a user-centered approach to it. And then, catch how much that's changed the product, and by that I mean, give the rest of the team some numbers in dollar amounts, of what that's meant to…
