From the course: Freelance UX: Managing Clients

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Initial client discussions

Initial client discussions

- [Instructor] When it comes to talking with a client about a project you're just beginning or even in the middle of, approaching it the right way is important. In this video, I'll outline some key things to discuss with clients when beginning a project and throw in some tips I've learned over the years for how to approach conversations to set yourself up for success. Initial client discussions are super important because you actually said who you are or you set the tone for the project itself. They know whether or not you're smart enough and capable enough to do this kind of thing, but hopefully by this point we're talking about something like the kickoff meeting. You've already created the proposal, you've gotten the job, et cetera, and now you're ready to dig in. When you start a conversation with a client there are a few key things to consider and discuss, and this is not everything, these are just some of the things that come to mind for me, try to meet the client in-person…
