From the course: User Experience Insights with Chris Nodder

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How different is the UX work of small teams compared to big teams?

How different is the UX work of small teams compared to big teams?

From the course: User Experience Insights with Chris Nodder

How different is the UX work of small teams compared to big teams?

- I often hear people telling me, "I'm on a small team. "We don't have the resources to do all the things "that the people on big UX teams get to do." Well, I hate to put it to you this way, but hard luck. Yes, you may not have those resources, but on the other hand, think about those people on the big team. Is it that there's a big team of user experienced people supporting the same size development team that you are, or is it that they're actually spread just as thin as you across a much broader department or organization? And the answer is almost always the latter. There's never enough UX people to go around. Well, as far as UX people are concerned, anyway. Everybody feels the same way, so to the people who are in that small organization thinking, "I'm running around like a headless chicken. "I don't know whether I'm coming or going. "I'm not really sure if I'm even having the impact," guess what? When I go into large organizations with a larger group of user experienced people…
