From the course: UX Design: 1 Overview

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Getting your team on board

Getting your team on board

- [Instructor] The techniques I talk about in these courses are designed to be used by the whole team. Although you might have one user experience specialist on the team, the real benefits of user-centered design only happen when the whole team buys into the concept, gets involved in the activities, and thus internalizes user's problems and needs. Doing design work in isolation and then throwing it over the wall to a developer is never a good solution. Unless everyone from development, to test, to marketing, to content creation, to product management is involved right from the beginning, it's hard to develop a truly user-centered product. Initially, the team might be worried that this isn't the best use of their time. But investing a bit of time up front saves a lot of time later on during development. When everyone on the team has the same background and agrees on the product's goals and plan, it's easier to communicate ideas and discuss changes. Everyone can refer back to the same…
