From the course: ARKit and Unity: Build a Drivable Car in Augmented Reality

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Wheel colliders, part 1

Wheel colliders, part 1

- [Speaker] Now as I told you guys that we are going to make this inner body of the car first, so let's go to our project. To make the inner body of the car, I will add some components in this hierarchy and will explain you what those components do. And after we have completed the inner body of the car, I will again explain you why I have added those components and what do they mean. Also, everything needs to be very precise for this to work. So it would be great if you follow along with me and do exactly what I do. So let's start. First of all, delete this HitCube. Just click on it, right click, and delete. Now click on this HitCube parent, right click, and add an empty object. Press enter and just name it, car parent, or you can name it anything you want. Now click on this add component and we are going to add a rigid body to it. Now we have to add this rigid body to our car so that it behaves like an actual physics object. So it has a mass, it uses gravity, and all these things. So…
