From the course: ARKit and Unity: Build a Drivable Car in Augmented Reality

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Adding headlights

Adding headlights

- [Instructor] In this video, I will show you how to turn on and turn off the front lights of the car. So, we are going to do something similar as we did with changing the colors of the car. So, we are going to create a button for lights, so once we press that button, the front lights will turn on and when we press that button again, the front lights will turn off. So, let's get started. First, let's create a button. Open Canvas, right click, UI, Button. Delete the text. I'll name this Light Button. Change its dimension. 50 and 50. And now we are going to change the image of this button to something more intuitive, so go to Google and type in car light icon. Open this website, and I will choose this one. Let's edit the icon and make it white. For editing the icon, you might have to log in, so do that. Let's make it white, so I'll just type in the color code of white which is six times f. Download the icon in PNG format. So, here's the icon. We are going to import this…
