From the course: Robotic Process Automation: Tech Primer

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Variables demo: Programming

Variables demo: Programming

- [Instructor] Let's first have a look at the basics of variables using Visual Studio, and then we'll go look at UiPath. I'm here in Visual Studio. I'm going to go to File, Recent Projects, and I'm going to grab this simple app that we created in the previous lectures. We've got some console write lines in here, and what these are doing is outputting what I call a literal string. These are some characters that I've typed in that it's outputting to the console. To create a variable, I can simply click before any one of these lines, hit return a couple times and click back up here at the top, and I can use the word dim. It's a verb that says create a space in the local computer's memory of a certain dimension for this variable, so similar to what I described in the previous video, I'll say Dim CustomerFirstName, so that's the name of my bucket, and with, I have to use the word as, so you can see when I hit the space, it's actually prompting me for this and showing me how to do…
