From the course: Robotic Process Automation: Tech Primer

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- [Bryan] I'd like to talk briefly about screenshots, because they are relevant to the Windows file system. Many of you are probably using third-party products like Snagit to capture screenshots, but I wanted to let you know that there's a pretty free and easy way to capture screenshots using the Windows operating system. The way to do it is to hold the Windows Key + the Shift key and the press your S key, and what's that going to do is to whiteout your screen and give you this little selection cursor. Then what you can do, is you can drag a rectangle around whatever it is you want to screenshot, and then let go, and now that region of the screen has been captured into the Windows Clipboard. Then it's a simple matter of going to a Word document or PowerPoint presentation and using Control + V to paste it in. Then you can resize and format it however you want to. In this case, I'll add a solid line around the outside, and I'll add a drop shadow to make it standout a little bit more. Of…
