From the course: UiPath: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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Read and write worksheet cell data

Read and write worksheet cell data - UiPath Tutorial

From the course: UiPath: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Read and write worksheet cell data

- [Instructor] To wrap up our Excel and Workbooks basic skills section, let's read and write cell data. For this short demo, I'm going to re-use our Read Customer Info block and Write Customer block because each one of these is using a different Excel file to do its work. Obviously, you can read and write cells within a single Excel file and you can even do so across multiple tabs. But I'll assume you can figure out how to do that after I show you how to read a cell from one file and write into a cell in a different file. So, I'll double-click in here, and I'm going to right-click to enable my initial Excel scope. And I'm going to right-click to disable my generic read range. So in this first Excel block using the UiPath demo data file, all we were doing was reading a range. This time, I'm going to read a cell here and then we'll jump into this block and we will write a cell in this one. So let's prepare for this by doing a little bit of work in our Excel files. This is the one we're…
