From the course: UiPath: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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Query the table

Query the table

- [Instructor] In the previous lecture, I showed you how to loop through a data table. For those of you that understand databases, or if you've taken my Tech Primer Course and seen how we can do database queries, ultimately a huge value of having a data table in the first place is being able to run queries on it, so let's take a quick look at what it looks like to query a data table instead of looping through it. For the sake of time, I'm using a project that starts with the same data table we created in the previous lecture. It has a First Name column with String, Last Name column String, Age of Int16, and Email Address. I'm going to add the same three data rows, Bryan Lamb, Age 50. John Smith, Age 30. John Jones, Age 35. So the end result is going to be a data table, saved in this variable called MyDataTable, which as you recall is a DataTable variable type. In the last lecture, I used For Each, but I used the For Each Row activity to loop through the rows of my data table. It's not…
