From the course: UiPath: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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Extract a workflow

Extract a workflow

- [Instructor] Instead of creating a reusable workflow in a separate project it's entirely possible to extract a reusable workflow from inside the current project you're working on. To demo that, I'll create a new blank robot. I'll name it extractable. Paste that into description here. Click on create. And again, like usual we'll make a very simple robot. So I'll start with a sequence. Click and drag that in. And I'm going to use log messages to demo this concept. So I'll click and drag that in. Open some quotes and say robot step one and I'll control C and control V that a few times to paste some in. In this case I'll call this reusable, step one. Reusable step two and reusable step three and I'll name this one robot step two. So when I run the robot we don't see anything. But down here in the output, you can see we have robot step one. Then three reusable steps and robot step two. People who don't know that much about programming, if they had to do something over and over again…
