From the course: UiPath: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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Display a message box

Display a message box

- [Instructor] Okay, let's create a robot that actually does something. I will choose blank to start from the beginning here. I'll call this one show message box. And we've got our blank slate. I'll expand my available activities. And even though I could drill down into this, I'm simply going to search for the term message box. And you can see that lives in available system dialog message box. So while it's totally possible to drag this message box on to the workspace, that's not really the recommended way to start a robot. I'll delete that. What we should really do as we talked about in the previous lecture is start with either a flow chart or a tri-catch or a sequence. In this case I'll grab the flow chart. Now I'll search for message box. And I'll drag and drop that into my flow chart. I can right click and say set as dart node or hover over this and drag and drop to connect them. And you can see that right off the bat UI path is complaining by showing us this little guy here. It…
