From the course: UiPath: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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Create a process from the package

Create a process from the package - UiPath Tutorial

From the course: UiPath: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Create a process from the package

- [Instructor] Now that we've created a robot and published the package to Orchestrator, we need to create a process in Orchestrator from that package. Let's do that now. So we're going to click on PROCESSES in the left nav and we'll use this plus button here to create a new process. You can see that since we're on UI Path's demo platform, it's trying to load all the packages here. Now it's done loading. So I'll click in here and start typing the name of the package I created: my_remote. So you can see that when I published My Remote Robot with spaces Orchestrator replaced those with underscores. You can see there's only one version of that package that's been uploaded. Every time I upload it from here out, it would add another version to this list. I'll leave the environment set to Dev and I'll just type in My first process here and click on CREATE. So what we've done here is we've uploaded a package and then we…
