From the course: Tinkercad: Modeling Custom Designs for 3D Printing

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Customizing text

Customizing text

- Now let's add some customized text to our plaque. If we scroll all the way up to top of our Shapes panel, we'll find the Shape Generators. First, let's set up a workplane. I'll use the hotkey W. And place it on our star. Then I'll click and drag the Text Shape Generator into the work space. The text I wanna add is the number 1. I like the default font, so I'll leave it there, And maybe I'm gonna change this extrusion value to like 3 mm. And place that on the star. All right, now I wanna try to do this again. This time, I'm gonna use the number sign as my text. I'm gonna scale this down, so I have room for it. I'll hold on the Shift key, so that I'm doing it proportionally. And stick it next to the number 1 there. Now instead of positive text, I wanna create engraved, or negative, text with this number sign. And so what I'm gonna do is change it to a hole shape, and then use the cone to push it back in space. Then I will use the Shift key to select both the star and the number 1, and…
