From the course: Creating Interactive Tableau Dashboards

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Dashboard colors

Dashboard colors

- Colors in data visualization is always a tricky subject and that's also true when it comes to picking good colors for dashboards. Colors are very, very easy to get wrong. Typically, people use too much color. Tunnel makes it very easy to add color and it's so tempting just to throw as much color as possible However, too much color can be overwhelming and add to confusion. You should always ensure that the color comes from the data. Don't just add color for the sake of it. The color should enhance the data, make it easier to understand the data itself. Color can come from the questions that you were trying to answer maybe we just want to highlight the color rather than show every single possible value. It's important to not use colors just because you can, but color should always enhance and not distract. So look at the couple examples where the color definitely doesn't help understand the data and a simple fix that we can do to ensure that the color does help. So in this example, we…
