From the course: SynthEyes Essential Training (2015)

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Manual alignment

Manual alignment

- Sometimes we have shots that don't have a lot of features on the ground, which makes it difficult to set up the coordinate system the traditional way. In that case, we can set up the coordinate system manually, and so let's take a look at how we do that. First thing I want to do is take a look at what we have so far. So if we go into the Quad view, we can see that the camera is below the ground level so we know that we're going to have to move that up and we're going to have to rotate the scene because this is the wall, if we circle that, we can see that those points are on the wall, and we're going to have to rotate that so that this wall is on the Z-axis. So let's start with the wall. Let's change the color of these trackers so they don't need to be selected and we can tell where they are so if we go over to the Trackers tab with these wall trackers selected, let's change the color. We have to go over to this color swatch and change it to blue, and then we can go back to the Quad…
