From the course: SynthEyes Essential Training (2015)

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Exporting to Maya

Exporting to Maya

- So now we're going to take a look at exporting from Maya. And for Maya what we're going to do is we're going to click on the Lens Workflow again, and we're going to do the Redistorted Workflow because it's a little more complicated, and press OK and so now we have an undistorted image. First we're going to have to Export our scene. So we're going to go to Export, MAYA ASCII, use that. We'll throw this on our desktop. So, let's see what the defaults are. And I'm going to start it at one. We're going to leave everything at its defaults and press OK. And, because we're doing the undistortion workflow, we're going to actually have to export out the undistorted play too. So we go up to the Image Preparation window, and Save our sequence and we can set our settings here. Let's name this. Maya_undistorted. Let's change the format to... Let's just do Quicktime. Photo JPEG is great for this because we don't really need much detail in Maya. Just need it for reference. So we do something like…
