From the course: SynthEyes Essential Training (2015)

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Distortion workflows

Distortion workflows

- Whether working with a team or by yourself, you will need to figure out your compositing workflow. Here's some common workflows when working with lens distortion. In this first example, you would undistort your footage in the compositing software and then send that out to the 3-D tracking and 3-D software. And then return to compositing for redistortion with the original image. In the second workflow, we would figure out the lens distortion inside SynthEyes then send scripts out to the compositing packages so that they can distort and redistort the image and send an undistorted plate to the 3-D software. The 3-D software would send undistorted renders back to compositing but they would redistort with the original plate. In the last workflow, we would use SynthEyes for the undistortion and redistortion workflow. In this case you would send undistorted images to the 3-D software, take those renders, redistort them in SynthEyes and then send them over to compositing where they can be…
